So Much More

As a kid, youth camp has always filled me with both excitement and anxiety. I think I have more anxiety than excitement as an adult in charge of a group of adolescents. This time around will definitely be different as the one that’s supposed to be “in charge.” But, I am lucky to be with a great group of volunteers that I know love our students and I feel a little more at ease that I’m not alone. I’m also reminded of what youth camp did for me in my spiritual development that gets me excited for our students going to camp.

There’s something special about getting away from the normal routines at home, away from all the distractions that keep up us from dwelling on what’s most important, surrounding ourselves with others that are on the same spiritual journey as we are – even if just for a week. Times like youth camp allow us to become a little less self-absorbed – which is especially good for adolescents.

However, adolescents aren’t the only ones that deal with nearsightedness. We are all consumed by the distractions of daily living from time to time. We often forget that God has so much more for us. God has so much more of Himself to give, so much more love for us, so much more planned for us, and so much more power for us. Our students will be learning more about how God wants “So Much More” for our lives beyond what we see on our screens or in our daily routines.

Pray for our youth and volunteers this coming week as we head to Orange Beach, AL.

Pray for safety.

Pray for the spiritual development of our students.

Pray for our volunteers.

Pray that we will remember that God has “So Much More” of Himself to give to us.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21


Just A Drop In The Bucket List


I Caught You Smiling Again