I Caught You Smiling Again

Following many worship services, a dear friend, Dave Stimpson, will come up to say hello and express his appreciation for the worship team's efforts to invite all into a closer encounter with God through the songs shared in that service. He often says, "I caught you smiling again up there." Others have shared similar comments reflecting that I always seem joyful while the team is leading in worship. My reply: guilty as charged! I find joy when I join with you in praising our mighty God! Regardless of how I may feel at the beginning of a service, something special warms my heart when the team and congregation join in lifting songs of praise and worship to our Lord! I guess that is why Psalm 100:1-3 is one of my favorite verses:

                      1  Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

                      2   Worship the Lord with gladness;

                           come before him with joyful songs.

                       3  Know that the Lord is God.

                           It is he who made us, and we are his;

                           we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

It just so happens that the worship team is currently studying the book of Philippians, in which the apostle Paul, writing from prison, includes the word "joy" sixteen times in his letter to the Church at Philippi. If Paul can be joyful from jail because of his relationship with Christ, I want that same relationship too!

Does this mean I am always joyful? The honest answer is, of course not! Like so many, I deal with the same stresses and hardships of this world that can easily rob us of a sense of peace and happiness if we allow it to. But even when these challenging and uncertain times weigh me down, I, like Paul, can focus on following and worshiping our Awesome God. And when I do, He lifts me and renews my hope with a sweet sense of His Spirit's presence. 

Something special (and joyful) occurs when we gather to seek and praise God together! Jack Hayford shared, "Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped." The Psalmist must have also sensed this when he shared in Psalm 92:1-2: It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.

A significant source of my joy comes from understanding that regardless of what happens in this fallen world, I can always experience the peace and JOY of a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit through joining with our church family in heartfelt praise and worship of our Mighty God. I am so grateful I am a part of this church family where I find joy and encouragement as we seek Him who provides us with all good things, including joy!

I recently saw on the Saddleback Community Church website: "Church isn't an event to attend - it's a place to belong. We need each other to get through this journey because we can do more, be more, and endure more when we're walking through life together."

So dear church family, I look forward to seeing you Sunday! Yes, you may catch me smiling again.

Robert Trigg joined the NUMC staff in the fall of 2017 where he serves as our Administrative Support person in the church office. He is also a long-term member of our Worship Team where he plays bass and is caught smiling on a regular basis. Robert and his wife, Martha, are retired educators and have been members of NUMC since 1994.


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