Which Type Are You?

Yes, we are in the year 2021 now. Many people are saying thank the Lord that 2020 is over.  But we still have the same issues now that we had over a month ago.  But what we do have now is optimism.  Just the thought that it has to get better offers us optimism. 

There are three different kinds of people in this world.  This may sound simple, but I think we all can relate.  Let’s compare these three types of people with computers.

Type 1

This group grew up without computers, cell phones, Google, or the world at their fingertips.  There were 3 stations on TV, and you had to get up to change the channel.  When you used the phone, you might have been on a party line at your house (this means a group of neighbors shared the same line and if you picked the phone up someone could be talking.)  To look for a phone number you actually had to look the number up in a phone book and to look up history you went to your Encyclopedia Britannica for answers. Just keep in mind this generation grew up poor (in today’s standards) but was never without.  And survived.  Proud Americans sacrificed so much for this country and knew the USA was the best place in the world. 

Type 2

This group grew up with bicycles, groups of neighborhood friends who would meet in the front yard of someone’s house and just play outside all day.  When it was lunch time you knew your mom’s voice when you would hear, “Lunch” shouted out over the neighborhood. There was no real threat of predators to kidnap and there was not even a thought about it.  We grew up seeing the Vietnam war on TV and seeing Americans die in a foreign land on a daily basis. We saw peaceful protests, Woodstock, and Civil unrest in our streets. Atari, Sega and Pacman were coming on as games and you were something if you had that. Cable and MTV were coming into the picture and the thought you had more than 3 channels was mind-blowing.  We were being introduced to computers at this time, but the internet was not a thought yet.  But then as we grew older and the internet became available and the way we did things suddenly changed. We adjusted to working devices, portable phones and computers as the world changed in front of our eyes.  But we adapted, maybe not grasping it all but holding on for dear life, remembering we were told computers would make our lives easier.

Type 3

You grew up with tablets for our kids and computers in the classroom, iPhones and iPads which could show you anything you want them to in a matter of seconds.  You never waited for a dial up signal, for something to download.  The world has been at your fingertips, ever since you could say Mom or Dad.  You grew up knowing how to put together documents, type code, looking at icons and knowing what each one does. You were brought up in that environment, and at times you find it hard to believe there are people who are just learning the language or in the beginning stages of it. That is just in your DNA.

So, with those 3 types which do you most identify with?  Let’s put this into prospective.

Here is the fact; no matter what type you are, if you know God, you have put in the work and read the Bible and heard sermons to help you explain who God is to you. God is at work in your life, look back at all the God moments you have had. Do not let the moment pass you by when someone you know is searching and wants to have a relationship with God. Don’t scare them, help them. You could be that first step for someone having eternal life. It is a two-way street to have a relationship with the Lord, He died so our sins are forgiven and has promised eternal life. HELLO! You must trust in Him and surrender to him.

No matter where you are in your walk with God, lean on other people to help you along the way.  If it is showing you how to load a PDF, scan pictures, or pull up a document or helping someone in need or asking for help.  We all need people in our lives to help us along the way.  

We are in this Pandemic we must lean on one another, respect each other, and help each other through all this so when we come out on the other side, the gratification we will receive will far outweigh the time we have invested.

Let’s be God centered with our eyes focused on his good words and deeds not the different types we see others to be.

Help someone this week!

God Bless



Sounds from Mars


Let's Be Honest