Let's Be Honest

There is a lot of unrest in our country right now. It might be the election, racial equality, devastation from fires and hurricanes, a supreme court nominee, COVID or just plain hatred. We need to step back and know where we came from to appreciate where we are today. We grew up in the United States of America where every day at the beginning of grade school we would stand and say the pledge of Allegiance to one nation under God. God has blessed this country. Men and women have died so we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. 

 It wasn’t that long ago when we let our kids ride their bikes anywhere, parents trusted the kids to come back around lunch and dinner time.  I was one of those kids. I would leave with my friends and we would ride all over town, have donuts, ice cream, stop for a hamburger at McDonalds and just hang out in the park until we all rode home.  My parents trusted society and did not think anything about it.   Yes, they were simpler times and we have lost the trust we once had. 

I remember a time when you turned on the news and there was one man that America trusted in what he said “and that’s the way it was” with Walter Cronkite.  I watched in 1963 when he came on and with tears in his eyes told America the President of the United States had been assassinated.  You could see and feel his emotions, but he delivered unbiased news.

I am so disappointed there is nobody in America who delivers the news which I can say I trust. Sure, there are reporters who might have started off with an un-biased opinion, but when they were hired to X network the network tells them “YOU WILL TAKE THE NETWORK STANCE.” Yes, you can go all over the internet now and find someone who has your opinion.  But is that what we really want?    It is so sad. But we just want someone to look at the camera and not lie.  There was only one perfect person we can believe and trust and that is Jesus.

Proverbs 10:9

The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

Proverbs 11:1

The lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weighs are his delight.  

We as parents have to wonder what do our kids think?  I am sure you have answered a question or two you did not want to answer. Who they can trust or respect? We are constantly bombarded with social media, TV, or sports stars who have their own agenda.  What happened to role models?  As parents we can be that!

We as parents want to make sure we give out kids the best chance to succeed in life.  Not every child gets a trophy either.  As they grow up and get in the real world and they find out the hard way not everyone wins. Life can be a real eye opener.  

Even though the news fails us, we all need someone we can trust and who will be honest with answers and be bold enough to be a role model that we can respect.  

Once I witnessed to a man getting let go from his job.  He was a hard worker, and the boss thought he was trying to get his job.  So, the boss fired him out of his insecurity.  When the man left, he looked at his boss and said “I leave here with my head held high with the respect of all of my co-workers. However, that is something you will never have.”

It takes years to gain the respect and a loose tongue or action only a few minutes to remove it.

Psalm 86: 11

Teach me your way, O lord and I will walk in your truth.

Psalm 119:30

I have chosen the way of truth: I have set my heart on your laws.

A good friend of mine passed away a few weeks ago.  He was the most honest, caring, loving father and husband I have ever known. At his celebration of life service his son said, “I am proud you were my father”.  Simple truthful words which echo with me every day. 

It is in our power to be honest and truthful. We might not be looking into a camera lens, but the eyes we are looking into are the most important.

God Bless,


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Buckin Bales