Don't Be A Cow

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don’t. Now that the horrible joke is out of the way, it’s time to be serious. There really are two kinds of people in the world, cows and rhinos. You don’t want to be a cow. 

A cow loves to lie around all day, chew their cud, and moo (which is their way of complaining). They like to stay in the herd and travel by the way of least resistance. They love to be lazy and just hang out all day with nothing to do. But most of all, cows love to be mediocre, they just want to blend in and be ordinary. On the other hand, rhinos love a great challenge, love risks and swimming upstream, they want the ball in their hands in the final seconds of a game, they are great dreamers, but most of all they are thick-skinned chargers who enjoy the excitement of running through the jungle of life rather than following the herd of cows to the meat market. 

The good news about cows and rhinos is that you can be either one. Itʼs not a list of physical attributes or abilities. Itʼs an attitude. There is nothing stopping us from being a rhino except ourselves. We are capable of charging anything head on, but it can be lonely. You don’t see rhinos in big herds. You usually just see one standing out in a field by itself. As much as I want you to be a rhino in your everyday life, its much more important to be a rhino in your spiritual life. 

2 Timothy 1:7 says: “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord”. We need to be bold enough to charge hell with a water gun. I would love to tell you what that looks like for you, but rhinos tend to make their own paths. I hope that you find your own path to take, it starts with prayer, listening, and finally charging ahead. 


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Excuse Me!