Over spring break, we are taking a team to Fort Worth, Texas for a week long mission trip. Renovation Community church is a two year old church plant that models itself after Robert Mueller’s orphanage. They never publicly ask for money or grants, they simply pray and trust that God will provide. Here’s something that their pastor Chris said recently:
“It’s not unusual for well-meaning people to warn me such a ministry is not sustainable if we don’t change our funding model. “We need to seek grants, request support, and build a donor base.”
But God can sustain what He chooses, in whatever ways He chooses, for however long He chooses. If I heard God correctly, I heard Him call us down a different path. He wasn’t calling us to financial sustainability, but to faithfulness.”
It’s that same call to faithfulness that has led us to partner with them in March. We’ll spend four days helping the church in any way we can, with a large part of that being maintenance and fixing up their old building so that they can better minister to the hundreds of kids they see at their church through community outreach. We’ll then have one fun day where we will go to the Fort Worth Zoo and have fun around the city.
The trip is only $75 and will cover all food, transportation, and lodging for the trip. The one exception will be lunch at the Fort Worth zoo.
Participants need to fill out this permission and health form.
We’ll meet at the church at 8am on Sunday March 15 and be back at the church around 8pm on March 21.
Packing list:
We are limited on packing space, so please limit your packing to one large suitcase and one personal bag (back pack, large purse, etc.)
- Clothes for 6 days. Four days will be work days, one fun day, and one travel day back.
- Close toed shoes.
- Toiletries
- Deodorant
- Sleeping bag
- Pillow
- Work gloves