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Chainsaw Safety and Use Training

Chainsaw Safety and Use Training - Navarre UMC - April 6, 2019


Location:  Navarre UMC, 9474 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 32566-2940
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2019
Time: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

Further instructions will be sent to registrants via email. Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

The purpose of the Alabama-West Florida Conference Disaster Recovery Ministry Chain Saw Course is to teach Early Response Team members a consistent and safe method of chainsaw operation. Many of you have used chainsaws most of your adult lives and feel that there is not much to be learned. At the completion of this course, we believe you will think it was time well spent.

In order to use a chainsaw in a disaster situation through the United Methodist Church, you must have taken this course and the Basic Early Response Team course (ERT class can be taken after Chainsaw Course). You will receive a chainsaw certified badge which you can take with you into all disaster response situations.
The morning session will cover basic chainsaw use and safety.  The afternoon session will be in the field using chainsaws. You may bring your own chainsaw and Personal Protection Equipment  (PPE - chaps, gloves, helmet (with ear muffs and face guard)), if you wish.  If you do not want to transport gas and oil, 50:1 gas:oil mix and bar oil will be provided.  If you do not have or do not wish to bring a chainsaw, saws and PPE will be available for practice.
Cost: $45.   Lunch, breaks, gas mix and bar oil provided.  Participation limited to 30 registrants.  Must be at least 18 years old.   

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