This retreat is specifically and prayerfully planned to offer the love, grace, forgiveness, and salvation in Jesus Christ for kids as they reach the age when they can approach the eternal truths of God and make a conscious decision for themselves to be a follower of Jesus. Confirmation is also a time to teach and experience the grace of God we have available to us in a community of faith called the Church. Through this annual Confirmation weekend, we also want to create for students an opportunity to publicly profess their faith in the 9:30 worship service on June 9th. With your approval, we will also ask your child about joining Navarre UMC as a full member. This experience for these students is also a wonderful entry point for families of the kids not already connected here.
Our Youth Director, Nathan Persell, other adult leaders, and Pastor Alan will be sharing and showing that all persons in faith in Christ are called to be actively engaged in Christianity as a way of life through The Church. We will learn our Affirmation of Faith and discuss its meaning. We will talk about the meaning and experience of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Finally, our kids will learn about the Sacrament of Baptism in our Church tradition (sprinkling, immersion, and pouring) and be offered the opportunity for Baptism if not already baptized. If desired, baptism can happen at church Sunday, June 9th by sprinkling, or by immersion in the Gulf at any time you wish to arrange it.