Help those in Need by putting together a Health Kit
The Mississippi United Methodist Annual Conference has asked UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee on Relief) for Health Kits after the effects of the bad storms and tornadoes. You can help by putting a kit together and bringing it to the church. A Health Kit cost about $12 to put together.
Return the kit to the church office during the week (Monday-Friday from 8:00a-5:00p) or to the Sanctuary Lobby Sunday, February 5th.
Health Kit Contains:
1 Hand Towel 15x25 in. to 17x27 in. (kitchen, cleaning, and microfiber towels not accepted)
1 Washcloth
1 Toothbrush (Adult size only, do not remove from original packaging)
6 Adhesive bandages (3/4 in. to 1 in.)
1 bath-size bar of soap (3 oz. or larger, no Ivory or Jergens, do not remove from package)
1 Comb (study and longer than 6 in., no pocket combs or picks)
1 Metal nail file or nail clippers (no emery boards)
1-gallon size zip lock bag
$1 to purchase toothpaste
Optional: $1 to help UMCOR ship the kit in the future
Optional: $1 to help Navarre UMC ship the kit to UMCOR
Money can be cash, or a check made out to Navarre UMC
Click here to download a PDF of this list and all of UMCOR's instructions.