Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

Christmas Activities

We love Christmas time here at the preschool. We all look forward to celebrating the holidays with our students, family, and friends.  This can be such a magical time of year. We can’t get enough of all the holiday cheer, love, and excitement in the atmosphere. 

Today I’m going to share with you a few fun Christmas activities that some of us like to do as part of our pre-Christmas celebrations.

Make Cookies

This is one December activity you can do with friends or with kids. Start with simple sugar cookies, and festive gingerbread shapes, set out colorful icing, sprinkles, and candy, and spend an afternoon decorating.

Give away old toys

Toys are another fantastic thing to donate during the holidays. Think of all the trucks, stuffed animals, dolls, and sports equipment you and your family no longer use. If they're still in good condition, it's probably time to give them a second life—and there's someone out there who will really appreciate them.

Volunteer at a local organization

Make the time to spend a few hours on a weekend serving meals, organizing donations, or cleaning up at a local charity. Call or look online to see whether organizations—shelters, soup kitchens, are taking volunteers. Many are open and need extra helping hands, even more so during the holidays.

Admire neighborhood lights and decorations

Does your block go all-out with Christmas decorations? Is there a designated street or place in town that does light shows? Yes (NUMC Does). Make a night out with your family enjoying all the lights and shows. Bring along your favorite snacks and enjoy the shows.

Decorate gingerbread

Gingerbread houses are a holiday favorite the whole family can do. Our family and the Neely’s get together every year for this awesome tradition. Our kids range from 8 to 20 years old. This is still one of their favorite past times during this time.

Watch holiday movies

It's time for the seasonal movies that make you happiest. There are so many options available now for all ages to enjoy.

Go to a NUMC Christmas Eve service

Jesus is the reason for the season. Celebrate his birth by worshiping with us at one of our Christmas Eve services. We have two this year, a family-friendly service at 5:00 (You can wear your pajamas) and then a second service at 6:30. 

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

Finding Joy

As we enter into the 3rd week of Advent I am reflecting on the theme of “joy” this week. If you’re like me that word is a tough one to hear during this time of the year. As we get ready to do all of our Christmas traditions, many of us will only be doing it with a façade. There are folks reading this now that are hurting because of relationships that have gone awry, memories of loved ones that are no longer with us to celebrate the season… hardships that make it hard to find joy this time of year. Many of us feel broken, and “joy” seems like a million miles away.

You may have heard the saying that joy is different than “happiness” - in the way a frame of mind is different from an emotion. We can certainly feel joyful, but as I read more about what scripture has to say on the matter, I find that joy is more of a characteristic of a faithful life to God.

In Hebrew, the word for joy doesn’t just describe a state of well-being, but it is also an expression. It is tied to something much deeper than an emotion that comes and goes. In scripture, joy is deeply rooted - and often synonymous with - a right relationship with God. It is an outpouring of the deep commitment we have in Christ. So, when you think of it this way, joy is not something that comes first. Joy is a result of the effort we put into our walk with God. It is not necessarily something that we “feel” first and then act on. The Christian life is about being faithful first and finding joy in the aftermath.

In Scripture we find that despite the hardships the Israelites faced, or the barriers the early church had to overcome, God’s people rejoiced when they were at their best with God. As a result, joy was fruit that they reaped. Joy did not come from self-seeking pleasure or earthly riches. Joy was also found in the anticipation of Christ’s Second Coming. It is something that we look forward to because we know how it all ends. Jesus assures his disciples that their sorrow at his departure will ultimately turn to joy (John 16:16, 20).

I don’t really know if this will help anyone or not. If you’re like me, when you’re smack dab in the middle of a crisis it is hard to remember all the things Christ has done and has yet to do. I can get really consumed by the moment and can’t see the forest for the trees. But to be quite honest, there is no true and easy way to get out of seasonal depression or hardships. We must endure them at times. But might I make a suggestion for us to practice this year? I include myself because I’m going to do it with you. When the depression hits and when the joy feels so far away, I want us to worship God. In that moment, let’s stop what we’re doing and put on our favorite worship song, read our favorite Bible verse out loud, or just thank God for one thing He has done for us in the past and reflect on the promises that He has given us for the future.

Let’s act on God first and find joy in the end of that tunnel together.

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

How to Survive the Holidays as a Grinch

  1. Avoid the Christmas section at Walmart at all costs. Better yet, avoid all holiday shopping hot spots. If you need something from the pet section and a can of spray paint, walk the long way around the entire store. It also has an added benefit of burning off the calories of the Christmas treats you’ve been stress eating.

  2. Find the things that you do like. Scented pine cones are the only Christmas decoration that I like. I still don’t understand how pine cones became a decoration to begin with (or why you would want to bring dead trees/plants into a perfectly clean house, but I digress), but when my wife inevitably brings home a bag or two of those pine cones every year, I get a 5 second moment of glee when I can pull the bag to my face and get a big whiff of cinnamon.

  3. Don’t fake it. It is ok to not love Christmas time. Not only do the holidays bring on huge amounts of stress, but they can also bring with them painful memories or feelings of grief or loss. Don’t add the stress and energy drain by putting on a happy face for everyone else. I promise you are not the only person struggling this time of year, and by being honest about your own struggles you might empower someone else to confront their own obstacles.

  4. Embrace your inner Grinch. I have a secret desire to dress up as the Grinch every year we do Breakfast with Santa. I could go around squashing Christmas cheer just by doing Grinchy things and it would actually be fun for me and the kids. Throw one strand of lights on the roof with a cutout of a Grinch stealing them, PERFECT. Play wiffle ball with Christmas ornaments, wrap horrible gifts poorly, find the perfect Grinch meme to respond to all Christmas texts and emails. Find your own way to have fun.

  5. Remember the reason for the season. I hate that phrase and that it’s usage has become cliche, but I’m going to use it anyway in the grinchiest way possible. Jesus wasn’t really born on Christmas Day. We celebrate Christmas because early Christians appropriated pagan celebrations of the winter solstice like Saturnalia and made it about Jesus. Now we celebrate Christmas with trees, garlands, and other greeneries, we spend exorbitant amounts of money on gifts that we don’t really need, and try to squeeze in a candlelit service if it works with our schedule. As weird as it sounds, maybe it’s time we re-appropriate Christmas. Just like early Christians took a pagan holiday and made it about Jesus, maybe it’s time we work on the redemptive aspects of our secularized Christmas and make it truly about Jesus again.

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell


I've been sitting in front of this computer now for 45 minutes wondering what I was gonna write about for my blog. Just so you know, this will be my 3rd blog I've ever written. I guess I could say that I am proud of myself. From building log cabins, custom furniture, custom doors and playing music all my life. I never once thought I'd have an office job where I would have to write a blog about something. I remember asking my wife,"What the heck is a blog?" She smiled and said , "you write about stuff, kind of like a journal."Then my brain went into overload thinking, what do I write about and how do I start.

What does the Great I Am have in store for me in my journey? Honestly, I don't want to know. As soon as I hit adulthood I had a plan. Become a rockstar, a professional angler, rich or inventing something that would change the world. Well that didn't happen. I'm laughing inside and thinking, wow! What happened? A lot to be honest with you. When you have a dream, you focus directly on what you have to do to accomplish it. What I'm realizing is that God has listened to my plans I have made in my life and he knows what the right thing is for me. He has given me the dreams that I've wanted, but in a different way. The Rockstar thing? I am a Rockstar, to my family, friends and to the people in my community. I believe that if I was known by everyone in the world I would probably fall to the wrongs of fame. So he guided me down a road where I got what I wanted, but on a smaller scale. And you know what? He was right. Thanks be to God. I think now that if I had become a professional angler I wouldn't be fishing as much as I do now. The politics, the "you have to do this and do that" kind of stuff would just suck the love of the sport right out of me. So why not just give me the "I can go fishing where and whenever I want" type of life. He did and I still and will always have the passion. Yes! Thanks be to God. Oh man! The "I wanna be rich" plan. I think that it is safe to say that everyone has had that on their list of plans in life. I love to help people out when they are in need. There were a couple times in my life where I was blessed with a lot of money. Amazing how people come out of the woodworks who are supposedly your best friend wanting a piece of that action. It would make me literally sick to my stomach. You know what? I am so rich right now that the world's biggest bank wouldn't be able to hold what I possess. My beautiful wife, my kids, and I still have my mom and dad. That makes me a billionaire. He has granted my wishes of becoming rich through family. I can pay my bills, feed my family, and take them on vacations. Satisfied? Yes sir! I sure am. Thanks be to God. So the invention thing? That totally went out the window about 20 years ago. With technology today it's hard to keep up. You come up with an idea and someone shoots it down by saying, "it's already been done". After hearing that a few times you tend to get over it and move on. As years pass I realize I never moved on. I have invented a few things that would change peoples lives. The gift to be able to write and compose music. I sure hope that it has helped someone for the good in their lives. Thanks be to God.

I guess what I am saying is that dreams do come true. It's how you look at it. It took me years to realize that all I have wanted in my life has been given to me, just in a whole different way. God has a way of answering and giving your wishes. He does it in a way He knows is right for you. I love that guy. Don't ever give up on your dreams. Stop and think of what you have accomplished in your life and try to put the pieces together and when you do, you will realize that you have been given what you've wanted all your life. I believe that is how God works. It may not be exactly the way you wanted it, but He had a reason why he sent you down a different path. Like roads, there are always alternatives to get you to your destination. When you get there it may not look the way you expected it to look. But hey, you love and appreciate what you have and that puts your mind and heart at ease. Thanks be to God.

Okay, back to what I was gonna write about in my blog. Hmmm, having a hard time coming up with something friends. When I do, I'll start writing it and I'll share it with all of you.

Love and God bless.

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

Ready, set, decorate!

We are now entering one of the busiest times of year for everyone, and the thrift store is no exception. The store is abuzz with seasonal and holiday items for sale, and our customers are having so much fun shopping and sharing with us their holiday plans. Volunteers are putting out items to sell throughout the day. Our ministry is an amazingly busy place 7 days a week. And I am honestly awed and humbled to watch it all take place.

In preparation for our annual volunteer appreciation Christmas party, I have counted the number of volunteers who make this all possible. Our ministry has over 110 active volunteers. This includes the ladies in the pantry who organize, sort, plan and pack non-perishable food to be passed out to individuals and families in need. This also includes the volunteers who "man the fort" in the We Care office, answering phone calls and meeting with individuals who need assistance. This includes the volunteers who work in the back of the store sorting items to be sold, the volunteers who take electrical items home to test and repair, and the volunteers who price items to be sold. And then there are the volunteers who work in the front of the store displaying items, helping customers, and working at the checkout counter. We also have students from high school earning hours toward graduation, and students with their job coaches learning job and social skills.

Everyone has areas of interest and expertise, and somehow this all comes together in an awesome way to make our ministry operate and continue to grow. The ministry grows in the number of clients that we serve, the extent that we are able to financially help, the number of organizations that we are able to contribute to, the number of volunteers that come to work, the number of goods sold and the net dollar amount of income. These numbers can be measured. This does not take into account what can not be measured. The friendships that are formed between volunteers, the friendships made with our customers, and the feeling of love and acceptance that radiates at our ministry. A customer found a sign that she requested to be hung behind our register, and not to be sold. It has remained in the same spot for almost a year now, and reads "This Is My Happy Place". It is a privilege not only to display it, but also to be able to live it daily. Many customers are known by our volunteers by their first name. We know what is happening in eachothers lives, families, and health struggles. We share, laugh, celebrate and grieve together. Customers tell us that they don't feel that their day is complete without seeing us, and need to get their daily dose of laughter in at our store. What a privilege it is to be able to spend the day at such a happy place.

As we get out holiday decorations and prepare for festivities, to look around and see the people who bring us happiness is such a blessing.

Now ready, set, and decorate!

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