Where They Are

I love Sunday afternoons, there are so many activities to choose from after church. I can drive over to Navarre Beach and head west taking in the sand, the sun, and the view of the Gulf. There are football and other sports opportunities to watch on the television from my recliner. Meal prepping, a walk, and a nap are options as well. Twenty one persons from age 5 up from our church family chose a different scenario this past Sunday, February 2. They traveled to Pensacola to serve dinner to 62 persons at Bright Bridge Ministries at Richards Memorial UMC.

 Their mission and purpose states “We’re committed to being a bridge to brighter days for individuals who are experiencing homelessness, addiction, hunger and more. Anchored in Christian values, we provide essential programs and resources that offer community members an opportunity for hope, healing, and life renewal.”

Our participation in this ministry is not new, it has just been on pause since COVID. It is now no longer on pause. I was humbled to witness this group of people from different small groups and areas of our church come together to serve those who needed a hot meal and a kind word. Many hands prepared meat loaves, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls and homemade desserts. They then served, yes, actually served the food to those who were present to hear God’s word spoken and to partake in communion at 4 p.m. next door in the sanctuary. They served with joy, they served in a spirit of humbleness. They then rolled up their sleeves to clean.

It is easy to come to church on Sunday mornings, participate in worship and maybe attend a small group. I believe that there is more to Christianity than just that. I believe we need to meet people where they are. Navarre UMC supports many outreach and ministry opportunities through monetary means. I challenge you to go beyond that and serve. You can do that through our Thrift Store and We Care Program. We have a bed build with Sleep in Heavenly Peace on Saturday, March 22 and we will be back at Bright Bridge to serve dinner on April 6. Find a place to meet people where they are as we carry out the mission of Jesus, to make disciples.


Valentine Origins


Snow Days