‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16
Unprecedented, unprecedented event. These words appear to have become the buzz phrase over the last few years with regards to the situation the world finds itself in. Big words like this require a dictionary definition. The definition for "unprecedented" is "without previous instance, never before known or experienced. I believe this is an accurate description of life. Most instances in our lives are unprecedented for us as individuals. Our first steps, our first word and so on. There are many situations in history that have been unprecedented, World War 1 and 2, other conflicts, the flu epidemic in the early 1900's, 9/11 and then there is Jesus. Unprecedented that God would come into this world as a baby, grow up, share the good news of God's love with others, die on a cross to pay for my sins and then be resurrected. Something never known before or experienced. But isn't that like God? The Bible is full of stories and experiences of things never seen before.
In each of the previously mentioned unprecedented situations life changed. Our lifestyles have and continue to change as we adapt and adjust. I do know that God is right here in the middle of all of this with us and good is coming out of the not so good. God is with you in the unprecedented and always.
A colleague shared a benediction I would like to leave you with:
May the Lord disturb you and trouble you
May the Lord set an impossible task before you and dare you to meet it
May the Lord give you the strength to do your best
And then, but ONLY then
May you be granted the Lord’s peace.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.