Lot's Wife

It’s a new year, and January is often the time when we have big hopes and aspirations for the year ahead. "I’m going to eat better, I’m going to exercise more," you know the drill. If you are still blazing ahead on your New Year’s resolution, good for you! I think it’s valuable for us to try and do better, and setting goals is a good way to do that and to hold ourselves accountable. It’s good for us to look back and review how things have gone so that we can improve and do better in the future. But what happens when we can’t stop looking back?

My family and I recently went on a trip around Christmas, and we had a long drive back home in the car. To kill the time, I scrolled through social media. With every scroll through my feed, I started to remark to my husband Chris about things that were going on with a former season of our lives. What was happening, who was doing what, can you believe that’s the direction things are going… you know, just thinking out loud. He then asked me why I still followed all those social media pages. That’s something I had never really given much thought to… why wouldn’t I want to know all the ins and outs of my former seasons of life? He then said, well, you don’t want to turn into Lot’s wife. I was a little miffed at the time with that remark. How was I going to turn into a pillar of salt for scrolling through Facebook… but as time passed, the drive, the days, and even the weeks after, I could not help but think about that comment. Do I truly have an unhealthy attachment to my past?

I started to see ads on my phone for books about “Don’t look back” and Bible studies about Lot’s wife. I kid you not. Maybe it was my phone listening in and eavesdropping, maybe the Lord was trying to tell me something; honestly, it was probably a little bit of both. So here we are, what can be learned about Lot’s wife as we move into 2024?

To give you some Biblical background, let’s head to Genesis 19. Abraham’s nephew, Lot, and his family lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. God had determined to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness. Two angels warned Lot to evacuate the city so he and his family would not be destroyed. The next morning the angels rushed Lot and his family out of the city, by the hand, before it was destroyed. They were instructed in Genesis 19:16-17 to “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!” As the city had burning sulfur rain down, Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. On the surface, this seems like an extremely harsh ending for someone taking a glance over their shoulder. But it was so much more than a glance. She not only looked, but she looked back longingly. “But Lot’s wife, from behind him, [foolishly, longingly] looked [back toward Sodom in an act of disobedience], and she became a pillar of salt.” Genesis 19:26. The very thing she was told not to do, she did. But why would she do that? Could it be that she was living her life as usual, everything was going great, and suddenly she must pack up and abandon everything? I don’t know how I would react in that scenario either. I can speak to the times when I’ve had to make a sudden change I wasn’t expecting- 2020, anyone? The seeming whiplash from abrupt changes have been difficult for me. I’m a creature of habit; I want to know when a turn is coming on life’s highway and want ample notice. But that’s not always how it works, is it?

Let’s skip ahead to the New Testament, to the book of Luke 17. Jesus is in the middle of giving a prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world, or an Eschatological Discourse if you want to get technical… and he mentions these words (that are easy to miss!); he says: “Remember Lot’s Wife” (Luke 17:32). If Jesus said it, you better believe it’s important.

Looking back didn’t go well for Lot’s wife, nor does it for us. It’s impossible for us to move forward when our feet are firmly planted in the past. We become stuck. It could be in a memory, a place, a time, a mindset – anything that is preventing us from moving forward in the direction that God has called us right now. Now, I personally love looking back at fond memories: my wedding, the birth of our children, our recent Disney Cruise. I love looking back to see how God has intervened for me in seemingly impossible situations, where he’s provided, where he’s protected. The problem is when we look back, longing to return to a place or a season that God has called us out of and moved us on from. There are seasons for everything, right? The author of Ecclesiastes tells us “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). How can I be effective for the season of NOW if my heart and mind are stuck in a place where I no longer reside - physically, emotionally, and spiritually? It’s easy to do, believe me. I didn’t realize the degree in which I found myself longingly looking back without even realizing it. If we are being honest, we don’t always recall things exactly as they were either. We can risk idealizing a distorted version of what really was. Longing to go back to something we are not even remembering correctly. Remember the Israelites wanting to return to Egypt? Could it be that I find myself not trusting God as I should? I know he is good, but do I not trust his plans for where he has me at this moment? This has been quite an eye-opening journey for me to begin a mental course correction. But thankfully, God has grace upon grace for me, and for you, during these times we veer off course.

It's important for me, for the church, for all of us to keep moving forward into the next season. What God is doing now - let’s not miss it. I think all of us have experienced change that has caught us off guard, even within our church. But how we keep moving forward is by keeping our eyes on Jesus. It’s how we stay on track and move in the correct direction. Have you ever ridden a bike? Have you ever tried to turn around and look back while doing so? You were likely met with wobbly tires while you quickly tried to balance yourself again. You move towards where you are looking!  Eyes forward, on Jesus, my friends! Psalm 123:1 tells us: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”

If you find yourself stuck, or offtrack, prayer and reflection can help provide clarity for those areas. Seeking support from friends, joining a small group, or opting for pastoral or Christian counseling are valuable steps toward moving forward. As we enter 2024, let's step out of the past and into the future, embracing new beginnings, new seasons, and new opportunities to radiate the life, light, and love of Christ to the world."

God bless, friends!



In 1492...


Remember the Fourth