
  I tend to look back at my actions a lot since I have given myself to God. Things I've said and things I've done. "Why did I say that? Why did I do that?" The two most asked questions when you are dealing with regret. So, if I have never given myself to God, would I still think that way? Only he can answer that. I do know this, if I had to do it all over again is there anything I would change? Absolutely not. It was a life challenge that was given to me and I made some wrong and bad decisions. Look where it got me. I'm not in jail, I'm not a drug addict or an alcoholic. I work for the Lord. I have a beautiful family who are very healthy and happy for what the great Lord has blessed them with. Some would ask, now how does that happen? Well, I gave myself to the Lord. I confessed all my sins to him and now all is forgiven. Yes, God does forgive you, but if you think he's gonna snap his fingers and everything is gonna be awesome again, then you are wrong. I can say this though, confess to the Lord and you will feel better about yourself. That weight you've been carrying will finally hit the ground and break. That is a good way to start.

  Remember that it is a new beginning for you and it's time to rebuild your foundation in life.

I've been in construction for over 30 years and you know what? I STILL MAKE MISTAKES!

It happens to everyone. Learn to address them and correct them. The Holy Spirit has got your back and he/she will help you. Just remember, you have to believe. Know that there are demons you will need to battle and you will prevail if you believe and ask for help.

  So, back to my regrets. Those are my demons. I've been knocking them down one by one. When I think of my past doings, I often think of the negative. What's even crazier is I think that that's all God looks at. No he doesn't. I have a huge heart. He knows I've done more good than I have bad. He knows that right now I am thinking of something negative I've done , but yet I am thinking of all the good too.

   So when you start thinking about your regrets, give yourself the strength to focus on the positive things you've done. Remember that we all deal with demons and the last thing they ever want is for you to be positive. By being positive towards yourself and other people is a huge blow to them demons. That little saying, treat others how you want to be treated. Well, treat yourself how you want to be treated. Think positive, love others, show compassion and stop dwelling on the past. God has got something big for you! That should be exciting! Note to self.

                                                                        God bless you all!


My Tribute to the Leader of the Band


Better Together