Perfectly Imperfect

The 12 disciples. 12 men chosen by Jesus himself to follow him and listen to his teachings. But what made these men special. What made Jesus look at these men and say “Follow Me”? In short, absolutely nothing. They weren’t particularly religious, didn’t devote all their time to helping others. They didn’t hold positions of power or authority, but still, Jesus saw something in them and called them out by name. When he did, they dropped what they were doing and obeyed. 

Many times, God calls us the same way. We are called to ministry areas, to jobs, too many things big and small, and God asks the same thing of us now that he did of the disciples back then, to obey. Now notice that when we are called, like the disciples, we do not always have everything for our journey upfront. God doesn’t call on us and give us our full itinerary, a stocked bag with everything we will need, and send us skipping off on our merry way. There is an element of faith involved.  When God met Simon Peter and Andrew on the Sea of Galilee, they were fishing (Matthew 4:18-20). Something they had always done, something their fathers had done, and those long before. It was familiar to them. Now I imagine when Jesus told them to leave it all behind and follow him, they must have been a little confused. How were they to feed their families? Make money? This was the only life they had known. However, they didn’t hesitate! It says they dropped their nets and IMMEDIATELY followed him. 

I thank God often that he calls us to the unfamiliar places, to the unknown, and uses us perfectly imperfect people to do his work. He doesn’t wait for us to fill the mold or have our lives in complete order before we can be used for his service. He can call us right out of whatever mess we are in to a life of service, leading those around us to him. He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. So when you feel God calling you, embrace being perfectly imperfect and answer the call!    

Kellie Jones joined the NUMC Staff in the summer of 2021 as our Nursery Coordinator. Her energy and cheerfulness is contagious to everyone who works and volunteers with her. She loves Jesus, her family, and the Pittsburgh Steelers.


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The Cards of Life