Life's A Cast

GOD, family, music and fishing. With these 4 categories I have been blessed with the perfect life. My love for the Lord, my love for my beautiful family who loves and cares for me very much, the musical talent that He has given me to not only entertain tourists, but to lift praise with the music and show him how much we love him and then there’s my joy of fishing. Notice how I said the word "perfect"; ironically I believe that nothing is perfect. There will always be some bump in the road just to stir up something in our lives. Honestly, life would be pretty boring if it was perfect. In order to better ourselves we need challenges. 

  In the last 10-15 years I can honestly say I have not killed a fish that I have caught (with the exception of bait fish). As for game fish, I can't do it. Call me strange, but I have some crazy connection with them. Like, I can almost hear them talk to me or something. I like to eat fish and when I do, we have an awesome seafood market in our beautiful town of Navarre. Boom! Problem solved. I'm not trying to preach to everyone and say that they shouldn’t kill fish, but if you do, do it for the right reason, sustenance.

The days in my life are like every cast I make. Some days are very successful and some are not. But with the overall outcome, success seems to outweigh the "I didn't catch a darn thing" days. That's okay. The excitement of watching that lure coming atcha and wondering if something is gonna hit it is how life should be. Nothing is working out for you, the car is not running well or your boss is just being a jerk and you're about to lose it because of all these factors. We've all heard it before, "for every dark night there is a bright day". Unfortunately for some it takes a little longer to reach that bright day, but it will come. God would never give you a life of darkness. That's not who he is. So for that being said, keep casting and reeling. Eventually, something will bite. It might not be the big one but for all you anglers like me, it's that rush you get when you have something on the line. Same goes with everyday life. You wake up (casting), you go to work (reeling), 5 o'clock is around the corner (watching that lure). What's gonna happen? I can't answer that. Successful or unsuccessful (fish or no fish)? The excitement of it all is what should keep you going. I've had days where I've lost many lures, my cast is off and I just keep getting snags. I really hate those days. However, I won't give up. Like life, bad days are bound to happen, but when that big one/The Pig hits the end of your line, you become very proud of yourself, because of your patience and determination. Now, you have a 50/50 chance of landing that fish. If you catch it you're screaming for joy. If you lose it, well sometimes we get really mad and crazy words tend to come out of our mouths that I just can't say, but what's the first thing you do when you get home? You talk about the one that got away. Even though it angered you, deep down inside it was successful. You now know for a fact that there is a monster in your honey hole that one day you will land. That is what keeps you going. Your life should be the same way. 

Friends, we all have challenges in our lives and the best advice I could ever give you is to take a deep breath, focus on your target, make that cast and be patient. Listen to what the Lord has to say through the birds, the wind and the water. God has a way of answering questions or prayers when it comes to the game of life. His answers are always right. 


A Matter Of Focus

