Living Each Day

Living in the present, not the past, is much easier said than done. We read about living intentionally, about being in the moment, about not dwelling on the past, and not to ruminate over our past mistakes and failures.

How many times have we told ourselves that we should not have said something, and even more often, how many times have we not said something that we should have said. We can not go back and relive any moment in time. Each minute of each day is given to us. It is a gift. A once in a lifetime opportunity. What is it that holds us back from telling a family member that we love them? Paying a compliment to a stranger? Holding the door for the person behind us? Letting in 1 car on highway 98? And even more so, sharing the Gospel?

And yet we all will need to account for our actions, our speech, and our passing up of opportunities. Each moment is a once in a lifetime gift to us, not to given up to a missed opportunity, telling ourselves that there is always tomorrow, or we can do it next time. This is the time. This is the moment that we have been given. Let us go forward, living each day as the gift that it is, and sharing that gift. Let us live each day, as we wish we would have lived it. when we stand before God.

Laura Beth Snow is the manager at our Good Neighbor Thrift Store and We Care. Her laugh and smile are contagious and she continues to break store records on a regular basis.


I Told You So


Religious Exemption