Faith in the Valleys

As I sit here on the back porch drinking my coffee on this crisp October morning, I find myself reveling in the changing seasons. Each with its beauty and purpose, its own perfect timing. Bringing new life and wonder to our world on a scale that can only be described as God designed. But I wonder, what if the seasons never changed? Would the birds who migrate or the animals who hibernate know? I mirror this to the things we so often pray for/about. And what if the times we waited for never came? What if the job we prayed for was never available, or the healing we so desperately needed was never fulfilled? Do we simply turn our back and give up, or is there something more as to why these things did not come to pass? I believe that many times the people of both the Old and New Testaments were called upon to walk by faith. The 400-year break between the Old and New Testaments alone can attest to the faith the Jewish people had in their God and his promise to send them the Messiah. So why, if God’s chosen people were called to walk by faith those many years ago, are we any different now? In Nursery this month we are learning to Sing in the Rain, which simply put, means that while we are going through hard “storms” in our lives, God is looking down on us continually, and so we can be confident in the hope that “His will be done” Matthew 6:10. 

How many times can you look back on your life and see God’s handiwork? If you are anything like me, you can see God’s expert touch in almost every circumstance. Now let me ask, did you know the outcome to that plan beforehand or even during? Most likely not. Just as a mountain climber does not notice the heights to which he has climbed until he reaches the top and looks down, so must we also keep our eyes focused on God during the struggles we face each day.

I am proud to say that I serve a God who is faithful in all His promises! Now, does this mean that all the things we pray for will come to pass? Most assuredly not, but we can hold fast, stand firm, unbroken in the knowledge that no matter how we see the circumstances, God is at work constructing His perfect plan. Just as the trees and animals have faith that the seasons will change, so also can we have faith that God will bring us through the seasons in our lives. Seasons of growth and prosperity, and also seasons of sorrow and pain. These seasons are no surprise to our Creator and he longs for us to cling to him in these times that seem hopeless. He did not say in His word that our lives as faithful Christians would be without affliction, however, He made clear over and over again that He is with us through these times and never gives us more than we can handle when we turn to him for strength. 

So just as we have faith that the seasons will bring new life and wonder, so will the plans that God has for us. I urge you this next week to listen to the song Hills and Valleys (the Hills Remix) by Tauren Wells and I pray that it speaks to you where you are and encourages you through the valleys in your own life as it has mine. 

Kellie Jones joined the NUMC Staff in the summer of 2021 as our Nursery Coordinator. Her energy and cheerfulness is contagious to everyone who works and volunteers with her. She loves Jesus, her family, and the Pittsburgh Steelers.


Stepping Back


Giving is Hard