Keep It Simple

Welcome to 2019.  Many of my friends told me they were glad to see 2018 go away.  Actually when I was on the road playing music NEW YEARS EVE was a big deal!  With all the excitement and anticipation of ringing in the New Year, I never felt excited about New Year's Eve, I was always sad about the year, which had just passed.  And to be completely transparent our family had a rough 2018, so this year I was ready to move on to the New Year.

Everyone seems to make resolutions in January and we normally break them by February.  I decided this year I would keep it simple.  I would start walking, drink water instead of soda and watch my portion size on my meals and I could lose weight.  Ok we are the third week in and my alarm clock goes off at 6am and I walk 5 days a week for 2 miles and have been drinking mostly water and I have lost 10 pounds. I have found myself at peace walking /praying in the mornings and I do feel better, the 6am alarm is annoying but I have gotten through it.   Now the trick is in a month will I still be doing it?

Do you have a goal or a resolution you are trying to keep?  Many of the new resolutions consist of going to church more often, read more of the Bible, lose weight, be healthier and start exercising or maybe learn a new hobby.  Whatever it is you have got to keep a goal in mind and try to reach that goal.

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. 

The challenge to myself for this year is daily.  I want to be a person who says, “ I am glad I did that” rather being the person who said, “I wish I had”.  Now, just to be clear I am not signing up for skydiving or anything like that.  It can be as simple as opening the door for someone or helping my neighbor. When I end my day I want to be able to say there was more “I am glad I did that” than “I wish I had”.  If I can say that I feel I have won that day.  Never have more than two days where I did not “Win the Day”.  If I can just keep it simple I will become a better person.   

Good luck with your goals for this New Year.  How many “I am glad I did that” will you have?


Snowy Days


The Other Book In The Pew