Understanding Worship
God takes great delight in you
The Bible says,” He is a God who is passionate about his relationship with you” (Exodus 34:13) It also says God “Rejoices over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17) We understand loving God and singing to God, but we don’t usually think about God loving us passionately, or about him singing over us. How does that reality make you feel? God wants us to respond in Worship.
In English the word “Worship” means to “greatly love, admire and respect somebody or something in acts of prayer and devotion; to declare the worth of someone or something” When we worship God, we declare his worth. What is God worth to you? The worth of God is both endless and endlessly rewarding.
God wants you to be a worshiper
Buddy Owens, a musician at Saddleback Church in California, describes it this way: Our acts of worship are responses to what God has already done. We praise him because he has revealed his glory to us. We give out of bounty he has given us. We repent, not to earn forgiveness, but because he has already offered forgiveness. God’s died for us while were sinners. God’s friendship is the reward for worship.
Jesus taught us to worship
He Prayed - Mark 1:35
He taught - Mark 1:39
He preached - Mark 1:38
He was baptized - Mark 1:9
He gave - Mark 12:17
He resisted temptation - Luke 4:1-2
He fasted - Matthew 4:2
He sang - Matthew 26:30
He praised the Father - Matthew 11:25
I try to make sure everyone feels welcome and comfortable at our worship services. At times I will invite anyone who would like to dance in the isles to do so, or dance in the pews, or sing, clap or just worship quietly. It doesn’t matter how you act or how you dress. God is interested in your heart.
Worship is more than just singing some songs
There is no “Christian” style of music. None. At first, that idea confused me. There is no Christian music, just Christian lyrics. Melodies are neutral; lyrics make it Christian. So the style of music that is used in worship is not relevant. Worship is what is important, not the style. While each of us certainly prefers one musical style to another, there is no “biblical” musical style. God loves music: he loves us more.
Finally, we begin our personal relationship with God through faith and grace. Through faith, we believe, and we trust God with our life, surrendering our will to his. At the very core of worship is surrender. Rick Warren states “Surrender is not the best way to live, It’s the only way." We make it our goal to please God. (2 Corinthians 5:9)
The next time you are in worship, be a worshipper. Come with humility and thankfulness. Express your worship boldly, raise your hands, sing joyfully, pray, read scripture, offer yourself to God so the reward of your worship will be God’s friendship. In heaven, we will all worship God forever. This is just the exhibition season. Start being a worshipper.
“That the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”
Mike Conrad serves as our Worship Director. When he's not preparing for worship or playing an instrument, he enjoys spending time with his wife boating and fishing. Learn more about Mike here.